Kim Ji-kooh
Albert C. Church, Jr.
Robert Kelly
Ted Petit
Tekken Ryu System Lineage
Kim Ji-kooh
Sorim Sa Cheol Kwon (1)
circa 1900

Shorinji Tekken RyuTM
Mishima-shi, Shizuoka-ken/Japan

Albert C. Church, Jr.
Shorinji Tekken Ryu (2)
Tokyo, Japan
1967 (3)

Nippon Kobudo Kamishin Ryu
Tokyo, Japan
1969 (4)

Robert Kelly
Shorinji Tekken Ryu
Charleston, S.C./U.S.A.

Ted Petit
Shorinji Tekken Ryu
Charleston, S.C./U.S.A.

Historical Notes:
(1) Sorim Sa Cheol Kwon is the Korean pronunciation of the name we in America call So Rim Sa Churl Kwon.

(2) The kanji for the system name would
read as follows:
Shorinji / Tetsu / Ken Ryu
When written or spoken as one name,
TetsuKen becomes TekKen respectively.

(3) Lineage transfer date to Soke Church from Master Koh.

(4) Kamishin Ryu creation date.

(5) 2009 training trip to Japan includes Petit sensei, Derek Morris and Donald Burke.
While in Toda City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan on November 24-25, 2009, Petit sensei and Derek Morris
met to discuss critical details concerning the Tekken Ryu system, its expansion and ensuring that
teaching methods are in place that will help sustain the
quality of technique that will allow this system to stand the test of time.

Donald Burke documented the meeting with photography.

This meeting was especially important to Petit sensei to honor Albert C. Church, Jr.

Now because of this meeting, the system has once again,
symbolically tapped its roots back to Japan!

(6) The Kokusai Shorinji Tekken Ryu Renmei was created to promote the art of Shorinji Tekken Ryu, December 2018.

**Master Kim's family name is presented with surname first.